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P.467 Emerging patterns: Solid organ transplantation trends in India

Swarnalatha Guditi, India

Professor and Head


Emerging patterns: Solid organ transplantation trends in India

Swarnalatha Guditi1, Vijay Bukka Chandra1, Prasanna M1.

1Nephrology, NIMS, Hyderabad, India

Organ transplant is the best modality of therapy for patients with end-stage organ failure (ESOF). There has been a gross disparity between availability of organ donors and prevalence of ESOF patients requiring solid organ transplantation even after 3 decades, since the existence of Transplantation of Human Organs and Tissues Act in the year 1994 in India. 
However, with consistent efforts of the governments and Medical fraternity, there is improving trend in the both organ donation and transplantation rates over last decade .
We present the organ donation and transplantation trends in India in the last decade from 2013 to 2022
1. Deceased donations
During the last decade from 2013 to 2022, total 6514 brain dead donations were reported. A maximum deceased donation was seen in the year 2016 with 930 brain dead donors and 173.5 % increase compared to year 2013. There was steep fall in the deceased donations during COVID pandemic in the year 2020 and 2021 touching the 2013 mark, however,  rebound  increase  was observed in 2022 with 904 (165.8% increases compared to year 2013)  donations almost reaching precovid maximum ( table 1, figure 1)). The improving trend could be partially due to amendments made the human organ transplantation Act in the year 2011 and the Rule, in the year 2014. and  the establishment of national organ and tissue transplantation organization (NOTTO) in the year 2014.

II. Solid organ transplantations
During the last decade, totally 97071 deceased and live donor solid organ transplantation were done with maximum transplantations (15556) reported in the year 2022.6 Similar trends were observed in both live and deceased donor solid organ transplantations, with 207.99% and 229.27% increase over a decade respectively, falling to near baseline during COVID pandemic. However, the percentages fall, when compare to pre covid year was higher in deceased donor transplantations than live transplantations (52.57% and 39.10% respectively). Maximum deceased donor solid organ transplantations (2765) was seen in the year 2022 despite maximum number of deceased donation (930) in year 2016; 2.8% higher donations than year 2022.  This suggests that the organ utilization rate has improved post Covid. (Table 2. Figure 2). Maximum live donor transplantation (12791) was observed in the year 2022.
On comparison of the deceased and live donor solid organ transplantations, average only 22.12 % were from deceased donor, with no much difference in year 2022 and 2013 (17.76% and 16.77 % respectively). Maximum was recorded in the year 2016 with 25.12% from deceased donor as maximum deceased donations were reported in that year, minimum being  during COVID Pandemic  year 2021 (13.20%).

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