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P.468 Success story of deceased donor transplantation program

Swarnalatha Guditi, India

Professor and Head


Success story of deceased donor transplantation program

Swarnalatha Guditi1, Vani N3, Beerappa N2.

1Nephrology, NIMS, Hyderabad, India; 2Director , NIMS, Hyderabad, India; 3DME, Government of Telangana , Hyderabad, India

Organ transplant is the best modality of therapy for patients with end-stage organ failure (ESOF). There has been a gross disparity between availability of organ donors and prevalence of ESOF patients requiring solid organ transplantation. There had been changing trends in the solid organ transplantation over the past few decades with constant efforts by the central government through establishment of National Organ and Tissue Transplantation Program (NOTTO) and various states government programs.
Jeevandan is a deceased donor transplantation program of government of Telangana initiated in the year 2010 with the G,O Ms No. 184. It has three divisions: Nodal office at NIMS to look into administration, Osmania general hospital for the training of transplant counselors and Gandhi Hospital of awareness activities. Deceased donor program has seen a exponential growth in the state of Telangana after the establishment of Jeevandan. There is 4 times increase in the deceased donation with 41 and 200 brain dead donors in the year 2013 and 2023 respectively and total 1362 deceased donations in 11 years with 3786 solid organ transplantation since its inception (table 1). Similar trend was seen in India which touched mark 1000 in the year 2023 from 340 in the year 2013 with total deceased donation of 7514 (Table 2). Telangana state alone has contributed an average of 18.12 % deceased denotations to the national pool with maximum of 29.34% in the year 2021.  The maximum organ donation rate of Telangana is 5.54 pmp in the year 2023, the deceased donation rate of the country being 0.65pmp.

Table -1: Deceased donation and solid organ transplantations
Year Deceased donataions  Transplant - Kidney  Liver  Heart  Lung  Pancreas  Total 
2013 41 76 36 2 3 2 119
2014 51 90 52 1 0 1 144
2015 89 150 90 10 1 0 251
2016 106 182 101 14 2 4 303
2017 150 221 138 32 2 1 394
2018 160 243 151 22 6 1 423
2019 134 193 125 17 9 1 345
2020 75 97 70 14 20 0 201
2021 162 228 139 26 83 2 478
2022 194 263 171 30 66 0 530
2023 200 287 173 15 75 2 530
2014 16 26 16 1 3 0 46
Total 1378 2056 1262 185 269 14 3786

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