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P.463 Promotor factors in Organ Donation Index, experience of a procurement network

Fatemeh Vosoughian, Iran

Shahid Beheshti medical university


Promotor factors in organ donation index, experience of a procurement network

Ehsan Alibeigi1, Fariba Ghorbani2, Masoud Jamali3, Mojtaba Mokhber Dezfouli3, Mohebollah Naderi3, Amin Aziz _Jalali3, Seyed Mohammad Reza Nejatollahi4, Fatemeh Vosoughian3.

1Nuclear Science and Technology Research Institute, Radiation , Tehran, Iran; 2Tracheal Diseases Research Center, National Research Institute of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases , SBMU, Tehran, Iran; 3Lung Transplantation Research Center, National Research Institute of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases , SBMU, Tehran, Iran; 4Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary and Transplant Surgery,, Masih Daneshvari Hospital, , Tehran, Iran

Organ Donation.

Introduction: Considering multiple dimensions of organ donation from brain death, different factors including educational, social, cultural, moral and religious ones affect this process in each country. A number of these influencing elements improve organ donation index. We aimed to gather and rate the promotor factors during 17 years of our activities regarding related managers’ opinions.
Methods: In this qualitative research, a semi structured questionnaire was prepared in order to gather all the influential elements. All the effective factors on the donation index were scored from 1 to ten based on the point of view of decision-making manager.
Findings: In total, five managers took part in this study. “The effectiveness of training professional human resources (donation team coordinators)” got the score of 10 ; “The positive effect of training programs for medical staff” got the score of  8.5 (2.12);  “The effectiveness of community education and culturalization of organ donation processes”: 5.5 (2.12);  " The role of the instructions issued by Ministry of Healt "  : 6 (3.1); “the support of the relevant authorities” : 6.5 (0.7); “Broadcasting suitable media content” : 7 (4.24); “Cooperation of large and influential institutions such as the Media, traffic, municipality” and so on : 8 (3.7); “Legal measures to facilitate obtaining consent from next of keen such as creating a legal basis for an organ donation card)”: 2(1.4); “Cooperation of the medical staff that provide care before brain death situation’’ : 7.5 (3.54); “funeral ceremony, etc.)” : 6.5 (4.9).
Conclusion: Undoubtedly the donor coordinator has the most important role in the process of organ donation. Indeed, an expert coordinator can cope with different barriers threatening family consent and convert the possible donor to actual donor.

Keywords: Donor Coordinator, PMP, Organ Donation Index, Brain Death

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