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P.045 Mucormycosis in post renal transplant

Navva Pavan Kumar Rao, India

Senior Consultant
TX Hospitals


Mucormycosis in post renal transplant

Navva Kumar Rao1.

1Nephrology, TX Hospitals, Hyderabad, India

Fungal infections in the post renal transplant scenario are not uncommon, Mucormycosis is one such fungal infection which is agressive and life threatening. We would like to present our experience in post transplant patients with Mucormycosis. We observed 6 cases of Mucor over the past 6 years wherein 344 transplants were performed. Of the 6 -2 were Rhino cerebral mucor, 1 orbito rhinocerebral, and the rest were pulmonary mucor. Surgical interventions were taken up for 5 cases along with Liposomal Amphotericin B and posaconazole if required. Despite this agressive treatment we lost 4 patients with only 2 surviving.We observed all the patients who had Mucor recieved induction immunosupression with ATG and the onset of infection coincided with leucopenia. 

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