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P.047 Renal Artery Thrombosis and Graft loss

Navva Pavan Kumar Rao, India

Senior Consultant
TX Hospitals


Renal Artery Thrombosis and Graft loss

Navva Kumar Rao1.

1Nephrology, TX Hospitals, Hyderabad, India

Renal artery thrombosis is one of the dreaded complications which leads to graft loss. It can occure anytime but immediate post operative period is the susceptible period. We have retrospectively calculated the incidence of Renal artery thrombosis at our centre and seen the cause and role of any salvage measures in reviving the kidney function. We have seen 6 cases to RAT (Renal artery thrombosis) of the 344 transplants performed since 6 years. Difficult anastomosis was noticed in all the cases which led to RAT. Of the 6 cases, 1 developed RAT in theimmediate post operative period,rest of the cases developed it in the period of 4 days to 100 days, post OP. All the cases were explored surgically. 4 cases were explored within 1 hr of the notified symptoms and thrombectomy was performed. Kidney biopsy after non recovery of kidney showed changes of cortical necrosis in all the cases.

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