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Abstract Session
Kidney Living Donor Tranplant 1

Monday September 23, 2024 | 13:40 to 15:10
Room: Beyazıt
Track: N/A

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Prof. Gabriel Oniscu, Sweden Invited Speaker
Improving access to living donor transplantation

Dr. Arun Panjathia, India Mini-Oral
Human Parvovirus B19 Infection in Kidney Transplant Recipients: Therapeutic Strategies and Outcomes.

Sanshriti Chauhan, India Mini-Oral
An observational, multicenter, nationwide study on practices and patterns of living-related kidney exchange transplantation in India

Ashokkumar B Jain, United States Mini-Oral
Post-kidney transplant (KTx) with primary allograft function, comparison of Serum creatinine with Serum Cystatin-C, and measured urinary creatinine clearance (mCrCl) with MDRD-4 eGFR and MDRD-4 eGFR eGFRCysC

Dr. Franco Cabeza Rivera, United States Mini-Oral
Initial eGFR Reduction as a Predictor of Kidney Function Following Living Kidney Donation: A Retrospective Analysis

Dr. Daniel S Del Castillo Rix, United States Mini-Oral
Validation of the Toulouse-Rangueil eGFR12 Model in a Racially Diverse Retrospective Cohort

Dr. Natalie M Edwards, United Kingdom Mini-Oral
Live donor nephrectomy: Patient experience and COVID-19

Akshay Kriplani, India Mini-Oral
Ureterovesical leak following renal transplant and effects of acute rejection and antirejection therapy: A nested case-control analysis and outcome of 1102 consecutive renal transplant recipients

Dr. Abdul Khalique, Pakistan Mini-Oral
Pediatric kidney transplantation: A single center experience of 988 transplants from a low-income country

Dr. Kuniaki Inoue, Japan Mini-Oral
Roles of renal volumetry and scintigraphy in living kidney transplant donors; contribution to early recovery of residual renal function

Sheenam Dhiman, India Mini-Oral
Long-term follow-up of living kidney donors: A need for Indian Registry

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