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Virtual Thematic
Top 4 scored abstracts from Europe and Asia

Monday October 21, 2024 | 10:45 to 11:55
Room: Virtual
Track: N/A

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Prof. Philip J. O'Connell, Australia

Dr. Katharina A Mayer, Austria
Randomized phase 2 trial of felzartamab in humoral transplant rejection

Dr. Merih Tepeoglu, Turkey
Guardian of renal harmony: Unraveling the ıntricacies of CD47 expression in allograft rejection and graft survival

Dr. Naresh Shanmugam, India
Clinical utility of Donor-Derived cell-free DNA (ddcfDNA) in non-invasive monitoring of Liver transplant recipients

Dr. Denis Efimov, Belarus
Intraportal human hepatocytes transplantation combined with placental mesenchymal stem cells and systemic intravenous placental mesenchymal stem cells infusion in decompensated liver cirrhosis

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