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Studio Session
Social media in transplantation

Monday September 23, 2024 | 13:40 to 15:10
Room: Studio 1 - Yidiz 1
Track: N/A


Many scientists use social media to share ideas, thoughts and information. The question is whether this information is well received, whether the dissemination of research via social media really gets more attention, and whether there are any drawbacks. Social media also offers health professionals the opportunity to quickly connect with other colleagues, broaden their contacts and build valuable relationships that can benefit their careers. This session will explore these issues.


Dr. Macey L Levan, United States
How should social media be used in transplantation

Carla C. Baan, Netherlands
Impact of social media on research dissemination

Augusto Cesar Soares dos Santos, Brazil
Why is professional use of SoMe important for early career professionals (Video)

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