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Abstract Session
Organ preservation, IRI, inflammation, injury

Tuesday September 24, 2024 | 16:50 to 18:30
Room: Üsküdar 3
Track: N/A

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Dr. Giovanni Zito, Italy Oral
iRhom2 regulates hepatocyte senescence in ischemia/reperfusion injury by modulating HMGB1 secretion

Prof. Hiromichi Obara, Japan Oral
Integrated organ viability assessment method for hypothermic and subnormothermic machine perfusion for liver transplantation.

Dr. Ming Ni, People's Republic of China Oral
Substance P promotes the interaction between liver sinusoidal endothelial cell and macrophages through Gas6-MerTK to mediate inflammation resolution and repair in liver ischemia injury

Dr. Emre Karakaya, Turkey Oral
Cell protective effect of piracetam on ischemia-reperfusion damage of the liver: Experimental study

Miss Marina Vidal dos Santos, Brazil Oral
Males and females respond differently to 17beta-estradiol and methylprednisolone associated treatment during ex vivo lung perfusion of brain death rats

Dr. Cristiano de Jesus Correia, Brazil Oral
Microcirculatory effects of alteplase associated to methylpredisolone after brain death in rats

Dr. Hao Wang, People's Republic of China Oral
YAP induces SOX9-dependent osteopontin production and promotes hepatic inflammation and fibrosis

Dr. Takuro Fujita, Japan Oral
A novel antibody-mediated rejection model for mouse intestinal transplantation and its histopathological characteristics

Dr. Andre Dong Won Lee, Brazil Oral
Evolution of acute cellular rejection in a swine model of anorectal allotransplantation

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