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Transplanting the Highly Sensitised patient

Monday September 23, 2024 - 13:40 to 15:10

Room: Çamlıca

248.2 Delisting strategies to transplant HSP

Annette M. Jackson, United States

Associate Professor
Surgery and Immunology
Duke University


Annette Jackson, Ph.D. F(ACHI) Duke University
Annette Jackson is an Associate Professor in the Departments of Surgery and Immunology at Duke University and serves as Chief of Clinical Transplantation Immunology Research and Director in the Clinical Transplantation Immunology Laboratory. She is an active member of the AST, Banff Working Groups, and past-president of ASHI. Dr. Jackson has been actively involved in desensitization and kidney paired exchange programs and currently serves as Mechanistic Chair for multiple clinical trials investigating new therapies for HLA-desensitization and treatment of late antibody mediated rejection.

Presentations by Annette M. Jackson

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