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Making donation systems work

Monday September 23, 2024 - 08:00 to 09:15

Room: Çamlıca

206.3 The development progress of “the Shanxi Model”: The first independent provincial OPO in China

Yajie Ma, People's Republic of China

Scientific Committee
Shanxi Provincial Organ Procuremnet and Allocation Center


The development progress of “the Shanxi Model”: The first independent provincial OPO in China

Yajie Ma1, Wenshi Jiang1, Yongkang Sun1, Xiaotong Wu1.

1Shanxi Provincial Organ Procurement and Allocation Center, Taiyuan, Shanxi, People's Republic of China

Introduction: In the past decade, the reform of organ donation and transplantation (OD & OT) in China has achieved success. Currently, in China, there exist 109 organ procurement organizations (OPO) and 4 models in total, while the provincial OPO model is considered as the final goal in achieving self-sufficiency in OT. Shanxi OPO was founded in 2018 as the first independent provincial OPO in China, which covers a donation service area of 34.8 million population and serves 6 transplant hospitals in the region. Shanxi OPO provide oversight, organization, and coordination of the OD work within the entire province. The study presented compares differences before and after the establishment of Shanxi OPO in regard to the quantity, quality and efficiency of OD & OT within Shanxi Province, as well as details current progress of the OPO. With this study, our intention is to share our experience and try to explore a feasible procurement management mode in China.
Method: In terms of organizational structure, equipment management and core quality indicators, we analyze relevant data from 2015 to 2023 and compare the outcomes before and after the establishment of the provincial OPO.
Results: In the past few years, a professional team with 10 functional departments has been built, facilities for donor maintenance and information collection have been equipped. In 2020, a scientific committee and an ethics committee have been established to guide scientific research and supervise ethical norm compliance. In 2022, a Pathology Lab was founded to carry out pathological examinations so as to evaluate the quality of organs more accurately. Moreover, we issue the annual Scientific Report to provide the analysis and summary of relevant quality indicators. Over the years, the number of OD has increased from 35 cases (PMP: 0.99) in 2015 to 105 cases (PMP: 3.02) in 2023, with an increase rate of 200%. The number of organs procured from per donor and the organ utilization rate of Shanxi OPO remains stable, revealing relatively strict donor selection criteria with professional skills of organ variability assessment, donor management, organ procurement, and organ preservation has been retained. Furthermore, we are more engaged in scientific work through initiating expert consensus on family approaching and ethical review; undertaking national research projects; organizing regular multi-disciplinary professional trainings.
Conclusion: The operation structure has been developing towards professionalism and the efficiency and quality of organ procurement and allocation have been improved in the past few years. The “Shanxi Model”--independent provincial OPO may provide a solution for the standardization of organ procurement in China. Notwithstanding, OPO mode suitable for national conditions and feasible for new circumstances requires further exploration.

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