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Equity and access to transplantation

Tuesday September 24, 2024 - 15:40 to 16:40

Room: Maçka

356.3 Sex and gender disparities in transplantation access

Bethany Foster, Canada

Department of Pediatrics
McGill University


Dr. Bethany Foster is a Professor of Pediatrics, Chair of the Department of Pediatrics at McGill University and Pediatrician-in-Chief at the McGill University Health Centre. She is a clinical epidemiologist with a primary research interest in the long term outcomes of children and young adults with kidney transplants. Dr. Foster has been funded by CIHR and NIH to study immunosuppressive medication adherence, graft outcomes in adolescent and young adult kidney transplant recipients, whom she has identified to be at particularly high risk of graft loss. She has included patient partners in her adherence studies. She has also highlighted important differences in renal allograft outcomes by recipient sex, the magnitude and direction of which vary by recipient age and by donor sex. Dr. Foster has over 110 peer-reviewed publications and is an Associate Editor of the international journal Transplantation. She is also Chair of The Transplantation Society’s Women in Transplantation initiative.

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