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Lunch with the Experts / Mentors

Wednesday September 25, 2024 - 12:25 to 13:25

Room: 3B Foyer area

Expert: Transplant Immunology

Fadi Issa, United Kingdom

Group Leader
Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences
University of Oxford


I am a researcher based in the Transplantation Research Immunology Group (TRIG) and the John Radcliffe Hospital. I qualified in Medicine from the University of Oxford and completed my DPhil at the Nuffield Department of Surgery. My research interests are focused on manipulating the immune system with a view to improving outcomes after transplantation.Together with Dr Paul Harden and Professor Peter Friend, I am currently investigating regulatory T cell (Treg) therapy in renal transplantation in the Phase IIb TWO Study. I am also particularly interested in the immunometabolism of T lymphocytes as well as the mechanisms of rejection and regulation of vascularised composite allograft (VCA) and skin transplants. My work forms part of a number of successful collaborative studies with other members of TRIG, the NDS and the Oxford Transplant Centre. Previously I have been funded by the Wellcome Trust, the Royal College of Surgeons Dunhill Medical Trust and the Oxford Health Services Research Committee, and I am currently the Duke of Kent Fellow at Restore and NIHR Clinical Lecturer. I am a member of the Basic Science Committee of the TTS and am keen to promote research to junior clinicians. I am also an enthusiastic teacher, and am Retained Lecturer in Anatomy at Exeter College.

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