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Closing Plenary Session

Wednesday September 25, 2024 - 17:00 to 18:00

Room: Harbiye Hall

460.2 Through the Lens: A Journalist's perspective and experience in raising awareness on organ donation and transplantation


Zofeen Ebrahim has been the MintPress News South East Asia Correspondent since 2014. She is based in Karachi, Pakistan. For Zofeen , the path to journalism was never a "carefully thought out" or a "planned" career choice. It was as if she was being led towards it. After graduating, and doing her master’s she got married and moved cities. "I had no clue what I wanted to do or even if I wanted a career". A small inconspicuous advert in an English daily changed all that for her. They were seeking editorial assistants for an English language women's magazine that was soon to be launched. Since then there has been no looking back for her. Today, she freelances for several national (Dawn and The News) and international (IPS, The Guardian, The Third Pole) media organisations and writes about issues that touch her heart.

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