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Organ Donation

Tuesday October 22, 2024 - 18:00 to 19:00

Room: Virtual

Brian Alvarez, Spain

Head of international cooperation programs
DTI foundation


MD, MSc, Dr. Brian Alvarez graduated in Medicine from Barceló University in Argentina. He later became a Critical Care Specialist and a Hospital Organ Donation Coordinator. He obtained a Master’s degree in Organ, Tissue, and Cell Donation and Transplantation from the University of Barcelona; and has been elected as the European Councilor for the International Society for Organ Donation and Procurement (ISODP).

He works at the DTI Foundation heading the international cooperation programs to enact donation and transplantation networks worldwide, while also participating in training and innovation activities. Has actively contributed to various projects in the realm of quality, engaging in tasks such as formulating standards and regulations, developing protocols, implementing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), and overseeing audits. Additionally, played a pivotal role in organizational initiatives, leading the establishment of in-hospital organ donation units and providing training in organ donation and transplantation.

Presentations by Brian Alvarez

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