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Opening ceremony and inspirational keynote

Sunday September 22, 2024 - 18:00 to 19:30

Room: Harbiye Auditorium

100.6 Resilience and defying the odds in transplantation

Adam Alderson, United Kingdom

Company Director
Yaks Life Ltd


Adam is an award-winning speaker, patient clothing business owner, and Implant analysis sales manager. But Adam’s life could have taken a very different direction when at just 34 years old he was given the news he had a rare form of peritoneal cancer (Pseudomyxoma Peritonei) while living his dream life in Adelaide South Australia. Sent home for treatment, Adam underwent surgery at the Christie Cancer hospital in Manchester to try and remove the disease, but the procedure was unsuccessful, and Adam was sent home on palliative care with a prognosis of just two years. Refusing to accept his fate Adam set out to find a better alternative which led him to be put forward for a multi – visceral 8 organ transplant coupled with radical de-bulking surgery that changed everything. Adam speaks with raw passion and emotion sharing his journey from terminal cancer to taking on some of the world’s biggest endurance challenges, defying the odds to survive.

Presentations by Adam Alderson

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