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Room: Üsküdar 3

227.2 Status of transplantation in Middle-East counties: Actual and future

Mohamed Hani Hafez, Egypt

Professor of Medicine and Nephrology
Faculty of Medicine -Cairo University-Egypt


Graduated 1979 Cairo University.Training  in Nephrology,  Necker,Paris 1992--Boston USA 1998 --Spain 2014 and 2017 -Emeritus  Professor of Medicine and Nephrology –Cairo University Egypt from 2015 till now. Supervised numerous masters and doctorate theses in nephrology in Egypt.External Examiner in Many Nephrology Examination for Boards in Middle East and Africa (eg Jordan, Iraq ,Sudan and Ethiopia) -Received many national and international awards in education, including the Global Kidney Academy in 2011

•             Past President Egyptian Society 0f Nephrology & Transplantation (ESNT)2018-21

•             Chief of nephrology Councils of Egyptian and Arab boards -Regional Councilor and Executive  DICG

•             Secretary General of  Middle East Society of Organ transplantation ( MESOT )

•             President  Of African association  of Nephrology  (AFRAN)

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