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P.430 Expansion of donation after circulatory death in Asian country

Shin Do Suh, Korea

Chungju Konkuk University Hosipital


Expansion of donation after circulatory death in Asian country

Shin Do Suh1.

1Surgery, Chungju Konkuk University Hospital, Chungju, Korea

Introduction: Unlike in the West, organ donation after circulatory death (DCD) in Asian countries is very low. In Asian countries, where living transplants are the majority, organ transplants from living or brain-dead donor have recently been stagnant or decreasing, so another outlet is needed to replace them. It would be meaningful to review the necessary directions for revitalizing DCD in Asian countries.
Methods: Recent journals and articles were reviewed
Results: The reason why DCD is not active in Asian country is mostly due to religious, social and cultural factors, as well as the lack of efforts to promote it to improve public awareness.
In the case of brain-dead donation, there was a temporary increase, but it did not lead to a sustained maintenance or increase.
Efforts by experts and related personnel to donate organs after circulatory death continue, but results are still insufficient.
Seeking to promote DCD in various aspects is expected to be an important factor in the future development of donation in Asian countries.
Conclusion: In order to promote DCD, changes are needed in the improvement methods of medical professionals and related personnel, and this should be approached from the perspective of members of society.

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