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P.006 Care management at hospital discharge: understanding the health needs of patients undergoing liver transplantation

Neide SILVA Knihs Sr., Brazil

Departamento de Enfermagem
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina


Care management at hospital discharge: understanding the health needs of patients undergoing liver transplantation

NEIDE KNIHS1, Sibele Maria S Schuantes1, Ana Clara Knihs A KNIHS1, Sara S Amorim1, Aline A Magalhâes1.

1Departamento de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil

Laboratório de Produção, Inovação e Pesquisa em Tecnologias e Informática em Saúde e Enfermagem.

Objective: to understand the health needs of the patient and family regarding the prospects for discharge, health care and adaptation to the new reality at home. Methods. This is a quantitative, qualitative, exploratory and descriptive study, carried out in a reference hospital for liver transplantation. The participants were patients who underwent liver transplantation at this hospital unit from 2011 to June 2023. A semi-structured interview guide was used to collect data, and the data were analyzed according to guidelines proposed for content analysis. Results. 32 patients participated, with a mean age of 40.2 years; 76% were men. The interview data enabled the construction of 04 categories: 1) daily health care; 2) warning signs for complications and complications; 3) adaptation to the new health care routine and 4) difficulties facing the new reality of life after the transplant. Regarding the first category: daily health care, the data showed that the main doubts regarding daily care are related to checking blood glucose levels and administering insulin. The second category: warning signs for complications and complications, the data show the difficulty in knowing whether the symptoms presented at home are not normal or abnormal, which often delays going to the hospital and ends up delaying care, with the patient being susceptible to severity of the clinical situation. In the third category: adaptation to the new health care routine, the results show that patients and families seek to adapt to the new reality, even in the face of different difficulties such as support from the health network and expanded family. They reveal that the main weaknesses involve combining so many tasks at the same time. It's a lot to do alone. As for the fourth category: difficulties facing the new reality of life after the transplant, the biggest problems were identified as difficult access to health services; feedback with the health team and mainly, access to medicines. Conclusion. Health needs are focused on identifying strategies to develop daily care, in addition to seeking better strategies to adapt to the new reality. The study showed the need for individualized discharge planning by the healthcare team, based on the health needs of each patient.

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