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P.106 Creation of Organ Donation Ambassadors through an online volunteer training program

Sunil Shroff, India

Senior Consultant
Urology & Renal Transplantation
Madras Medcial Mission Hospital


Creation of organ donation ambassadors through an online volunteer training program

Hemal Kanvinde 1, Jaya Jairam 1, Pallavi Kumar 1, Sunil Shroff1, Muneet Sahi 1.

1Head office , MOHAN Foundation , Chennai , India

Introduction: Lack of public awareness is a major contributing factor to low donation rates in developing countries. Trained  volunteers can  act as Ambassadors of Organ donation to create this awareness. 
MOHAN Foundation initiated a  volunteer training program called Angels of Change in 2017.  Apart from delivering insights on organ donation, this training also included aspects of public speaking and addressing pubic perception on organ donation. The training also fostered strong bonds with the trainers to take the cause forward.  
The same training was modified into online  sessions to adapt to the COVID situation and was called the Organ Donation Ambassador Training. Impact of this training and its delivery will be discussed in this  presentation. 
The ‘Organ donation Ambassador Program’ is designed as three sections –
1. Gift of Life Course – a four-hour, online interactive course created on an open-source learning management system, with following topics - 
Deceased organ donation – process and importance
Legal and ethical aspects
Religion and organ donation     
Voluntary whole-body donation
2. Periodic sessions with participants via video conferencing, where they interact with transplant clinicians, donor families, recipients, and transplant coordinators, to understand their perspective and clarify doubts
3. Finally, they were expected to undertake activities promoting organ donation
Results: In 2 years, 360 ambassadors were trained through 27 batches. The trainees were mostly students, members of other NGOs and social groups, donor families and recipients.

Awareness initiates by Ambassadors
face to face workshops  25                                                            
Online workhops  16
social media campaigns 5
assisting in online projects  16

surveys and field work


Creating organ donation chatbot 


Online competitions for students




Creative poster designing


Introducing chapter on organ donation in a book


Participation in rallies


A few of the activities such as - organ donation conversations to smaller groups, friends and families, or distribution of donor cards, could not be measured.
The youth has readily embraced the online training modules, the senior ambassadors  needed more interactions and support.  A WhatsApp group of these volunteers has resources and news that are shared. It also gives a healthy competition among them to take-up more initiatives.
Conclusion: During the difficult time of COVID restraints moving the training to an online platform  helped to share the cause among  many people spread all over India.  It also created a strong  volunteer force with a common objective.  Their  skills, energy and expertise continue to support the NGO in its aim to spread awareness on organ donation.


[1] organ donation, volunteer, training online, ambassador, grass-roots
[2] India, public, community, awareness

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