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Room: Hamidiye

IPTA2.5 Best of IPTA question bank

Lars Pape, Germany

Pediatrics II
University Hospital of Essen


Prof. Pape is pediatric nephrologist with a full professorship for pediatric nephrology. He is deputy director of the Department of Pediatric Liver, Kidney and Metabolic diseases of Hannover Medical School as well as head of the KfH-center for Nephrology.
His main research focus is the development and establishment of biomarkers in pediatric nephrology as well as health services research mainly in transitional medicine and improvement of care after kidney transplantation.
Prof. Pape received sseveral awards, i.e. the Rudolf-Pichlmayr Prize of the German Transplant Society. He has published more than 100 scientific articles and book chapters. His current H-Index is 36.

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