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Room: Hamidiye

IPTA2.1 Neuropsychological testing in Transplantation

Jenny Prüfe, Germany

Head Psychologist
University Hospital Essen


Dr. Jenny Prüfe is a psychologist (PhD, MPhil cantab), specialist in rehabilitation studies (Dipl. Reha-Päd.) and registered nurse.

She works as a senior researcher and paediatric psychologist at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf and University Children’s Hospital Essen. Dr. Prüfe’s research interests are in the field of child development in the context of rare chronic health conditions, health care transitions as well as child neglect and child protection. In her clinical work she focuses on health literacy, coping with chronic illness, adherence, transition, as well as neurodevelopmental outcome and specific learning disabilities in the context of chronic organ failure, solid organ transplantation, and orphan diseases

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