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The Big Idea - Using data to drive transformational change

Monday September 23, 2024 - 17:00 to 18:30

Room: Beylerbeyi 2

266.4 Outcomes of children with kidney failure - Is transplantation an option?


Dr Gloria Ashuntantang is a consultant nephrologist at the Yaounde General Hospital and Professor of medicine at the University of Yaounde I in Cameroon. She is currently the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Bamenda, Cameroon. She is holder of the MB; BS degree (University of Ibadan in Nigeria), Certificate of specialisation in internal medicine (University of Yaounde I), and Diplôme de Médecine Spécialiste en néphrologie and an MD (University of Geneva, Switzerland). Her main area of research is ESKD care in sub-Saharan Africa. She has co-authored over 70 peer-review papers and a book chapter. She is the past President of the African association of Nephrology, past member of the ISN executive committee. She is a distinguished fellow of the European Renal Association and Knight of the Cameroon Order of Valour.

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