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Arzu Kader Harmancı Seren, Turkey

Fenerbahce University

Arzu Kader HARMANCI SEREN, RN, MSc, PhD, worked as an organ transplantation coordinator at Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty Hospital between 2004 and 2010. She received the TTS scholarship and attended an internship program in Spain. She has published studies on organ transplantation coordination systems and nurses' roles in these systems in national and international journals. She is still studying health policy, hospital organisational behaviour, and organ transplant coordination systems. She is a member of the Organ Transplant Coordinators Association, the Association of Nephrology, Dialysis, and Transplantation Nurses in Turkey, and the International Transplant Nurses Society. She served as international director and director in prominent ectors positions. She is married to a lovely, chubby man and has a daughter.

Presentations by Arzu Kader Harmancı Seren

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