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Ehtuish Farag Ehtuish, Libya

President of thr Libyan National General Authority for Organ, Tissue and cell transplantation
Libyan National General Authority for Organ, Tissue and cell transplantation

Dr. Ehtuish Farag Ehtuish M.B., M.S., PH.D., SURG. SPEC;
Full Professor of Surgery, Medical School-Tripoli University; 1999
Consultant Surgery Department Central Hospital; 1994– Now
Head surgery department, Medical school 1996–2007, 2023-2024.
Minister of health for Libya 1998 – 2001
Director of General authority for environment 2001–2003
Head surgery department Tripoli central hospital 2005–2011 and 2019-2022.
Director of the National Organ Transplant Program; 2003-2011.
President of the National General Authority for Organ tissue and cell Transplantation; 2019–NOW.
Member of Surgical Scientific Board of Libyan Board, Tripoli Libya;
Chairman, scientific board of general surgery of the Arab board for health spec. Damascus Syria 2002 –2011 and 2018-Now
Chairman Of the Libyan society of Nephrology and Renal Transplantation (LSNRT). 2005 -2011
President of Libyan Society of Endoscopic Surgery (LSES). 2006- 2011
Chairman of the Committee for institutional unification, at the Libyan National planning Council 2018 - Now
Chairman of Yes Libya national movement 2016 – Now
Head Committee for preparing National strategy for disaster management (Coved 19 as an example) 2020.
President of the board of trustees of the Arab Board for health specialisations in Libya 2023-Now

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