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Fawaz Al Ammary, United States

Associate Professor of Medicine
Transplant medicine
University of California Irvine

Dr. Al Ammary is a transplant nephrologist, internist, and clinical researcher. He is an Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of California Irvine. He has formal graduate-level training in health services research (PhD). His specific areas of interest are (1) expanding the pool of living kidney donors across race/ethnicity and (2) advancing telemedicine services to enhance outreach and access to living donation and kidney transplantation. He is Chair of the Telemedicine Workgroup, American Society of Transplantation Living Donor Community of Practice. 

Broadly, his work focuses on understanding and addressing the critical organ shortage of living donors in the United States. His studies have spanned a spectrum of topics related to my interests and with relevance to epidemiology, healthcare access and outcomes, and health policy.

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