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Caner Süsal, Turkey

Prof. Dr.
Transplant Immunology Research Center of Excellence
Koç University Hospital

Dr. Caner Süsal graduated from Heidelberg University School of Medicine in 1986. He continued his career in the field of transplantation immunology at the same institution after his graduation until September 2021. He became an Associate Professor of Immunology in 1999 and a Professor in 2005. He was appointed as an Academic Director in 2012.

Dr. Süsal received many scientific awards and held several leadership positions in the fields of organ transplantation and transplantation immunology. He served on the executive boards of various national and international societies, including Eurotransplant, was the President of the German Society for Immunogenetics, and coordinated the Collaborative Transplant Study in which more than 400 transplant centres from 42 countries have participated.

Dr. Süsal authored or co-authored 250 peer-reviewed articles and published in high-ranked journals, such as Nat Med, BMJ, N Engl J Med, J Clin Invest, Blood, J Immunol, Am J Transplant, and Nat Rev Nephrol. His research interests cover all aspects of organ transplantation and transplantation immunology including transplantation of highly immunized patients, transplantation of organs from expanded criteria donors, induction of unresponsiveness to allografts, pre- and post-transplant risk estimation, matching of organ donor/recipient pairs at epitope level, and identification of biomarkers that reflect the balance between the effector and regulatory components of the alloimmune response.

In September 2021, Dr. Süsal was appointed as the Director of the EU-funded Transplant Immunology Research Center of Excellence TIREX at Koç University in Istanbul. He has an adjunct professorship also at the Medical School of Heidelberg University.

Sessions chaired by Caner Süsal

When Session Room
08:00 - 09:15
Abstract Session — Novel therapeutics and immunosuppression strategies 2 Üsküdar 3
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