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Helen Opdam, Australia

National Medical Director
Australian Organ and Tissue Authority
Organ and Tissue Authority

Associate Professor Helen Opdam is the National Medical Director of the Australian Organ and Tissue Authority. She is a Senior Intensive Care Specialist at the Austin Hospital in Melbourne and Director of Warringal Private Hospital Intensive Care Unit. Helen is President of the International Society for Organ Donation and Procurement (ISODP), currently serving a 2-year term (2023-2025).

Helen/Associate Professor Opdam has been involved in organ donation since 1998 and has held leadership roles influential in improving donation practices and increasing donation and transplantation rates in Australia. She has led the development of a national audit of deaths that is fundamental for measuring donation potential, assessing performance and driving advances in clinical practice. Helen/Associate Professor Opdam contributes to numerous national and international committees and initiatives including the development of ethical and donation practice guidelines and standards.

Presentations by Helen Opdam

Sessions chaired by Helen Opdam

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