Thematic Session: Uterus-transplantation: Where are we now
Monday September 23, 2024 from 15:40 to 16:40
The field is celebrating the 10th birthday of the first baby born after a successful uterus transplant. Mats Brannstroem, the pioneering surgeon of the Gothenburg team will summarize the 10 successful years of uterus transplantation. Ethical debates are particularly relevant, thus requiring a careful debate of ethical guardrails. Unique in many ways, uterus transplantation is the only planned ‘temporary’ engraftment with unique immunological features in the context of transplantation, immunosuppression and pregnancy.
  • Dr. Stefan G. Tullius, United States
  • 256.1 10 years after the first successful uterus transplant: How will the teenage years look?
    Mats Brannstrom, Sweden
  • 256.2 Ethical guardrails in uterus transplantation
    Anji Wall, United States
  • 256.3 Immunosuppression in uterus transplantation
    Jana Ekberg, Sweden