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Transformational learning - learning from failures/patient safety

Monday September 23, 2024 | 15:40 to 16:40
Room: Beylerbeyi 2
Track: N/A

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Aim of the workshop: To present challenges we have faced as transplant clincians, they may be technical or not. To talk about strategies we have used to overcome them, and learning points. We might invite two surgeons, and two physicians to present, for 10 minutes each, allowing plenty of time for discussion.


Prof. Gabriel Oniscu, Sweden
How to deal with a situation that did not go as planned and physician perspectives

Dr. Ala Ali, Iraq
How to deal with a situation that did not go as planned and physician perspectives

Dieter C. Broering, Saudi Arabia
How to deal with a situation that did not go as planned and surgeon perspectives

Dr. Taina Lee, Australia
How to deal with a situation that did not go as planned and surgeon perspectives

Discussion Period, Turkey
Panel Discussion

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