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Plenary Session
Plenary 1

Monday September 23, 2024 | 09:30 to 10:30
Room: Harbiye Auditorium
Track: N/A

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David A. D’Alessandro, United States
Innovations to improve and transform patient-important outcomes in cardiac transplantation

Pranjal Modi, India
Presenting the winner of the Outstanding Achievement in Transplantation Science (Clinical)

Prof. Haval Shirwan, United States
Presenting the winner of the Outstanding Achievement Transplantation Science (Basic)

Alejandro Nino-Murcia, Colombia
Presenting the winner of the Outstanding Achievement in Transplantation Science (Developing Country)

Prof. Anantharaman Vathsala, Singapore
Presenting the winner of the Mentorship or Education and Training in Transplantation

Henry Marsh, United Kingdom
Risk and the Surgeon

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