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Enhancing outcomes: BK and CMV guidelines after solid organ transplantation

Tuesday September 24, 2024 | 08:00 to 09:15
Room: Maçka
Track: N/A

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This session will provide state-of-the art updates on two challenging and common infections after transplant: CMV and BK virus.
The field is rapidly evolving and recent exciting developments in the management strategies of both viruses will be highlighted. Recent findings and outputs of two international consensus conferences related to CMV and to BK viruses respectively will be discussed in-depth. This will be followed by an open panel discussion and question and answer period with the audience.


Camille N. Kotton, United States
Navigating BK guidelines: A roadmap for solid organ transplantation

Dr. Atul Humar, Canada
Empowering transplant teams: CMV guidelines for optimal patient care

Discussion Period, Turkey
Challenging cases and Q&A

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