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Lunch with the Experts / Mentors

Tuesday September 24, 2024 | 12:25 to 13:25
Room: 3B Foyer area
Track: N/A

Experts Roundtable: Meeting a small group of people to discuss a specific topic (specialist in that particular topic). Mentor Roundtable: Meeting a person that inspire younger generation and would be good in offering them support, guidance and advice.
A reservation fee of $10 USD applies - Box Lunch is included.


Mr. Chris Callaghan, United Kingdom
Expert: Organ Utilisation

Antoine Barbari, Lebanon
Expert: Kidney Transplantation

Shilpanjali Jesudason, Australia
Expert: Pregnancy in Transplantation

Prof. Dominique Martin, Australia
Expert: Ethics in Transplantation

Dr. Stefan G. Tullius, United States

Prof. Thomas F. Mueller, Switzerland

Curie Ahn Dr., Korea

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