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Thematic Session
Kidney transplant surgery

Tuesday September 24, 2024 | 15:40 to 16:40
Room: Emirgan 2
Track: N/A

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Surgical technical opportunities for renal transplantation and donor nephrectomies have evolved. Minimal invasive donor nephrectomies have become the standard of care. Are robotic donor nephrectomies superior? What are economic implications and what patient population benefits most?
Robotic renal transplants have also become a reality. A state of the art presentation will focus on specific surgical technical features. To understand the potential future role for robotic renal transplants, it will also be critical to understand which patient population will be best suited for robotic renal transplantation.


Chandra Bhati, United States
The best way to procure live donor kidneys: Robotic vs. laparoscopic donor nephrectomy

Sangil Min, Korea
Robotic renal transplantation: State of the art

Timucin Taner, United States
Robotic renal transplantation: A niche approach for selected patients or the future surgical approach for all?

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