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Thematic Session
Dealing with post-transplant complications

Tuesday September 24, 2024 | 15:40 to 16:40
Room: Emirgan 1
Track: N/A

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This session will explore challenges faced by patients and providers after solid organ transplantation, including complications such as development of de novo malignancy, vaccine-preventable infections and metabolic issues. These situations will be discussed by experts and details provided regarding early signs and diagnosis of complications, management, and prevention. Post-transplant vaccines, as well as the issues of reduced vaccine immune responses and newer vaccines and formulations that may benefit transplant recipients will be presented. De novo malignancy and metabolic syndrome and the impact of immune suppression for these conditions will be discussed. These three talks and panel discussion addressing common challenges after transplant will examine key questions aimed at providing general guidance for a range of clinical contexts.


Naoka Murakami, United States
De novo malignancy post-transplant

Andrew Karaba, United States
What's new in vaccines?

Prof. Wai Lim, Australia
Managing post-transplant metabolic disease

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