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Abstract Session
Heart transplantation

Tuesday September 24, 2024 | 10:40 to 12:10
Room: Maçka
Track: N/A

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Prof. Robert A Montgomery, United States Invited Speaker
Heart Xenotransplantation

Dr. James E Besanko, Australia Oral
A novel Australian medical device (Organ Angel) for oxygenated hypothermic perfusion of donor hearts in a porcine model for up to 6 hours

Prof. Minoru Ono, Japan Oral
Lifetime management after continuous-flow LVAD implantation as bridge to transplantation

Dr. Ronaldo H B Santos, Brazil Mini-Oral
Is it worth using hearts with more than 4 hours ischemic time? Results from 528 consecutive heart transplants at a reference center in Brazil

Dr. Maria Simonenko, Russian Federation Mini-Oral
Dynamics of physical and mental quality of life long-term after heart transplantation

Dr. Gonca Ozgun, Turkey Mini-Oral
Relationship between tissue IgG plasma cells and serum donor-specific antibodies in cardiac allograft recipients with repeated antibody-mediated rejection

Dr. Deniz Sarp Beyazpinar, Turkey Mini-Oral
Evaluation of morbidity and mortality in patients over 65 years of age with left ventricular assist device implantation

Dr. Pinar Zeyneloglu, Turkey Mini-Oral
Venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation support for heart transplantation: 10 years’ experience

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