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P.440 Development of a circular support device for patients with low body mass index

Olga Yurievna Esipova, Russian Federation

Senior Researcher
Department of Coordination and Monitoring of Scientific Programs
Institute of Transplanitology and Artificial Organs named after V.I. Shumakov Ministry of Health of Russia


Development of a circular support device for patients with low body mass index

Arkadiy Kuleshov1, Vladimir Bogdanov1, Aleksander Buchnev1, Olga Gichkun1, Sophia Sharapchenko1, Ekaterina Stahanova1, Olga Esipova1, Alexey Esipov2, Nikita Grudinin1.

1Scientific programs monitoring department, V.I. Shumakov Federal Research Center of Transplantology and Artificial Organs of the Ministry of He, Moscow, Russian Federation; 234 urological oncology department, Vishnevsky Central Military Clinical Hospital, Moscow, Russian Federation

Introduction: Every year in Russia, 5,000 children with severe forms of heart failure require high-tech medical cardiac surgical care. The target group has individual and anthropometric limitations (body area index BSA>1.1 m2).
The purpose of the study is to develop and introduce into clinical practice a system of mechanical circulatory support based on an implantable centrifugal pump, which has an ergonomic combination of dimensions, hydrodynamic properties and biocompatibility.
Materials and methods: At the Transplantation Research Center named after V.I. Shumakov is developing an experimental model of a centrifugal pump capable of pumping a working fluid with specified hemodynamic parameters: operating pressure up to 85 mm Hg, flow rate up to 2 l/min. The main difference of the pump being developed is the design of a levitating impeller. This impeller design made it possible to obtain minimal vortex flows, low values of the hemolysis index and a fairly high laminarity of liquid flow, as well as optimize energy consumption. A prototype of a system based on the use of an implantable centrifugal pump will provide therapeutic care for patients with a low body mass index in the presence of terminal forms of heart failure of various etiologies.

Results: The applied technical innovations of the levitating impeller and experience in the development of circulatory support systems will ensure the creation of a competitive, affordable product with low cost that meets international standards for the development of such systems. The experimental model of the system provides stable characteristics of blood circulation, low rates of thrombosis and injury to blood cells, high reliability, low energy consumption, which can significantly increase the battery life of the system.
Conclusion: According to international standards, the use of magnetic levitation and centrifugal flow technologies is effective and safe for the treatment of heart failure, as evidenced by high survival rates, a favorable adverse event profile and improved quality of life and functional status. Our development will allow us to combine large research and clinical experimental potential with high-tech manufacturing experience in order to create clinical samples of a mechanical circulatory support system based on an implantable pump that corresponds to the world level.


[1] centrifugal pump, implantable pump, body mass index, heart failure

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