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P.021 Impact of the modification of the renal allocation policy in Argentina: Prioritization of the hypersensitized patients

Liliana Bisigniano MD, Argentina

Scientific and Technical Department


Impact of the modification of the renal allocation policy in Argentina: Prioritization of the hypersensitized patients

Liliana Bisigniano1, Maria Marta Rios1, Monica Noseda1, Pablo Garcia Glizt1, Viviana Tagliafichi1, Daniela Hansen Krogh2, Richard Malan4, Carlos Soratti3, Ariel Antik1.

1Scientific and Technical Direction, INCUCAI, Buienos Aires, Argentina; 2Information Technologies and Systems Division, INCUCAI, Buenos Aires, Argentina; 3Presidency, INCUCAI, Buenos Aires, Argentina; 4Vice-presidency, INCUCAI, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Introduction: Hypersensitized patients (HP) have a lower probability of transplantation. In August 2023, INCUCAI (Argentine Authority of Organ Procurement and Transplantation), modified the regulations for distribution in the waiting list for renal transplantation, where the prioritization of the HP is implemented. Patients who present anti-HLA antibodies by solid-phase assay greater than or equal to 85% are assigned renal donors as a priority in the distribution of deceased donors. These potential recipients are excluded from the distribution list if they present donor-specific antibodies against donor HLA. This study aims to evaluate the first results of the implementation of this new regulation.
Materials and Methods: A cohort comparison study of two time periods, pre (23/03/29-23/08/14) and post (23/08/15-23/12/31) implementation of the new regulations was performed. The prevalence and percentage of transplants (calculated on the total incidents on the waiting list of that period) of HP are described. The following transplant outcome variables were compared between both periods: graft loss and post-transplant death.
Results: There are 5,420 patients enrolled in the waiting list for renal transplantation, of which 546 were categorized as HP. There was an increase in the transplantation of HP after the modification of the regulations, 7.3 % vs. 14 % (p 0.001) (graph 1). No differences were observed in the transplant outcome variables comparing both periods (table 1).
Conclusion: The prioritization of the HP increased the chance of transplantation, more observation time of this regulatory modification is needed to evaluate post-transplant outcomes.

Renal Advisory Committee HLA Advisory Committee National Immunogenetic Laboratory.


[1] HLA
[2] renal allocation
[3] hypersensitized

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