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P.476 Virtual Crossmatch alone for deceased donor transplantation: Single centre experience from India

Bharat Bhushan Bamaniya, India

fellow in renal and pancreas transplant
renal transplant surgery
pgimer chandigarh


Virtual Crossmatch alone for deceased donor transplantation: Single centre experience from India

bharat bamaniya1, ashish sharma1, sarbpreet singh1, deepesh kenwar1, vivek thakur 1, NVKN karthik1, belmin .1, abhilash tirkey1, praneeth reddy1, sanjeev chauhan1.

1renal transplant surgery , pgimer chandigarh , chandigarh , India

Introduction: World over virtual crossmatch (v-XM) is taking a lead in matching of deceased donor kidney transplant (DDKT) however in India it is still a distant reality. In v-XM, recipients, allo-antibody profile is compared with donors histocompatibility antigens( HLA). Physical Crossmatch (Physical-XM) requires donor lymphocytes to be incubated with recipient’s serum for measuring the outcome which is time-consuming and hence the delay in proceedings. In this study Retrospective analysis of patients with DDKT using only v-XM(HLA) versus physical-crossmatch (using CDC and HLA no flow cytometry) was done.

Methods : Of the 56 DDKT from july 2021 to mid-august 2022 at Postgraduate institute of medical and education research chandigarh, later 28 transplants were carried using v-XM which were compared with historical 28 DDKT. Donor-specific antibody (DSA) of Mean fluorescence intensity(MFI) >2000 were excluded.All deceased donors were typed for high-resolution HLA-A, -B and -DR.

Results: Out of 28 DDKT in v-XM group, 12 (42%) graft biopsies were performed in early postoperative period of which rejections were seen in 3(10%) recipients. In Physical-XM group out of 28 DDRAT 6(21%) graft biopsies were performed and rejection was seen in 3(10%) recipients. Follow up creatinine in two groups p value 0.907 not significant v- XM mean creat 1.42 (SD – 0.78) and physical-XM mean creat 1.39 (SD –0.91).

Conclusion: These results show comparable outcomes when virtual crossmatch is used in comparison to physical crossmatch.

ashish sharma sarbpreet singh deepesh kenwar.

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