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P.311 Outcomes of living related kidney donors in a tertiary care liver and kidney transplant facility of a developing country

Adil Manzoor Sr., Pakistan

Chief of Nephrology


Outcomes of living related kidney donors in a tertiary care liver and kidney transplant facility of a developing country

Adil Manzoor1, Maria Ijaz1.

1Nephrology , PKLI , Lahore, Pakistan

The long term effects of unilateral nephrectomy for the live kidney donors are a neglected area of study in the developing countries. In Western countries like US, there is extensive data on living donor outcome through National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey while no such resource is available in Pakistan. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the kidney donors. One hundred and thirty-two successive living donor nephrectomies were enrolled in this prospective observational study. Of these 100 donors were successfully followed up once every 6 months for total of 6 encounters in 3 years. Estimated GFR was calculated usinrg CKD-EPI equation. Out of 100 living donors followed, 51 were males. All donors were aged betweeeen 18-69 years with mean age 30-49(89%). Mean diastolic blood pressure was slightly decreased and the difference between pre and post donation mean HbA1c was not statistically significant. Mean eGFR value before nephrectomy was 106.1ml/min and it dropped by 38%(65.2ml/min) at 6 months. The eGFR then increased by 12%at 1 year, 10% at 1.5 years, 16% at 2 years, 14% at 2.5 years and 18% (79.3 ml/min) at 3 years post nephrectomy.


[1] kidney donors,egfr

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