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P.019 Donation after cardiac death in Argentina: First experience in Latin America

Liliana Bisigniano MD, Argentina

Scientific and Technical Department


Donation after cardiac death in Argentina: First experience in Latin America

Liliana Bisignano1, Viviana Tagliafichi1, Daniela Hansen Krogh2, Maria Marta Rios1, Monica Noseda1, Pablo Garcia Glizt1, Leandro Mosna4, Nicolas Sanchez4, Alejandro Yankovsky4, Marisa Barone4, Gabriela Hidalgo4, Carlos Soratti3, Pablo Centeno4, Ariel Antik1.

1Scientific and Technical Direction, INCUCAI, Caba, Argentina; 2Information Technologies and Systems Division, INCUCAI, Caba, Argentina; 3Presidence, INCUCAI, Caba, Argentina; 4Medical Direction, INCUCAI, Caba, Argentina

Introduction: In September 2022, the Donation after Cardiac Death Protocol was initiated in Argentina. This protocol structured the Donation after Cardiac Death (DCD) Maastricht Type III (controlled asystole).  The aim of this research study is to describe the first results of renal transplantation obtained from DCD.
Materials and Method: We performed a comparative cohort study of renal transplant outcomes from DCD and brain-death donors (BDD). Graft loss and post-transplant death were compared using chi2. Graft and patient survival analyses were represented by Kaplan-Meier curves.
Results: Since the beginning of the protocol, 30 DCD and 1,323 BDD were procured. The DCDs generated 56 renal transplants and the BDDs 2,216. No significant differences were observed in the results of transplantation in terms of graft loss and post-transplant death (Table 1). Post-transplant graft and patient survival curves were similar (Figure 1).
Conclusion: The Argentine DCD Protocol is the first experience using this type of donor in the region. Although the first results of renal transplant outcomes from DCDs are similar to those obtained from BDDs, further follow-up is needed to validate these results.

Renal Advisory Committee Organ Donation Advisory Committee Argentinian Society of Intensive Care Argentinian Transplantation Society.


[2] donor after cardiac death
[3] Kidney Transplant

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