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Yeong Hoon Kim, Korea

Nephrology, Internal medicine
Busan Paik hospital

Dr. Yeong Hoon Kim is a professor of Internal Medicine at Inje University Busan Paik hospital in Korea .  She is also a chief  of Vitallink. Deceased donor transplantation has long been her field of interest, involved in various seminars in Myanmar, Mongolia, Bangladesh and Vietnam, organized by Vitallink International. More recently, she is deeply interested in gender disparity of transplantation in Asia and is carrying out activities via WIT (women in transplantation) of AST and TTS. She is in charge of WIT at AST and also in charge of WIT at the Korean Society of Transplantation. Dr. Kim is also an active member of the Korean nationwide CKD Cohort, KNOW-CKD, and Hereditary Cystic Kidney Diseases Cohort. She finished her medical degree and Ph D  at Kyunghee University Medical School in Seoul, Korea.. She completed the resident of Internal Medicine at Kyung Hee Medical center in Seoul, Korea and a research fellowship at University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.


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