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Laura A. Taylor, United States

Program Director/Chair
Adult Gerontology Clinical Nurse Specialist Program
Daniel K. Inouye Graduate School of Nursing

Dr. Taylor has earned national and international recognition as a strong leader who shapes practice, policy, and education. She has transformed nursing education to address national healthcare workforce needs and advanced doctoral curricula incorporating evidence-based practice and transformational leadership. A Fellow in the Academy of Nurses Educators (ANEF) and American Academy of Nursing (FAAN), one of her most treasured recognitions is as the recipient of the NLN's 2020 Mary Adelaide Nutting Award for Outstanding Teaching or Leadership in Nursing Education. With more than 200 publications, presentations, book chapters, and webinars, Dr. Taylor's scholarship integrates pioneering technology-based innovations, rigorous scientific methods, inter-professional collaboration, and a focused orientation on advancing nursing education.

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