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Shunichi Yoshikai, Japan

Board Certified Neurosurgeon
Kitakyushu Yugawa Hospital, Social medical corporation Kitakyushu Hospital Group

When the first heart transplantation was done in 1968 in Japan, media made huge fuss about it and confused the general public. Since then, the transplantation medicine has been oppressed by media, and not only the general public but also the whole medical societies lost the interest in it consequently. I am a neurosurgeon working in emergency more than 30 years. I happened to have experiences of 10 DCD patients during my carrier and noticed many issues about the shortage of donors. So, from the viewpoint of a neurosurgeon,  I have been working for the development of organ donation by enlightening and educating the medical students, general public and emergency and transplantation societies in the lectures of nearly 300 times.

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