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Harun Ur-Rashid, Bangladesh

Professor and Chief consultant
Kidney Foundation Hospital and Research Institute

Dr. Harun Ur Rashid, Ph.D, FCPS, FRCP is now working as Professor and Chief Consultant in Nephrology of Kidney Foundation Hospital and research Institute since 2009. He began his career in Nephrology in 1981 after return from United Kingdom following his postgraduate training in nephrology and obtaining Ph.D degree from University of New castle Upon Tyne, U.K. and joined as specialist teacher in Nephrology in the Institute of Postgraduate Medicine and Research (IPGMR),Dhaka, Bangladesh in 1981with research background.
He has been responsible for phenomenal improvement in the department which rose to the level of transplantation from the grass root level of Clinical Nephrology. He organized the 1st live related kidney transplantation in IPGMR, Dhaka, Bangladesh in October,1981 and started haemidialysis in 1986 and CAPD in 1987.
1. He started Postgraduate course in Nephrology in IPGMR in 1996 under Dhaka University.
2. Besides conducting many research activities and guiding many others, he has published 166 articles in recognized journals.
3. He was the founder editor of Bangladesh Renal Journal from 1981-2009 and Journal of Institute of Postgraduate Medicine and Research from 1986-1998.
4. He has published 8 books or chapter of books including “ Nephrology World wide -Bangladesh chapter in 2020 springer
5. In 2003, he started Kidney Foundation hospital with meager capital investment of US$1000.00.With dedication and hard work it is now become the largest hospital for treatment of kidney disease, dialysis and transplantation. and became the Founder President. The Kidney Foundation of Bangladesh is a referral center declared by International Federation of Kidney Foundation and awarded Joel D. Copple award in 2013. In 2024, kidney Foundation Hospital recognized as an international center by International Society of Nephrology and awarded ISN Schier Award.
6. He also took the pioneer role iin establishing the Nephrology, Urology and Transplant society of South Asian Regional countries (SAARC) in 1999 in Dhaka ,Bangladesh and became the founder secretary general of the society in 1999 and became President of that society in 2005.
7. He took active role to frame the "Organ Act law in Bangladesh" which passed in the parliament in July 1999 and also “Revised Organ Act Law in 2018.
8. He awarded several gold medal from different organisations.
9. He is a Founder President of Society of Organ Transplantation in Bangladesh since 2010 and also acting as Vice president of "Bangladesh network of NCD control and prevention" formed in December, 2015.
10. He was a Council member of ISN and Co chair in the South Asian regional board of ISN from 2013-2019 and received ISN pioneer award in 2017 and vitallink award in 2023 by Asian Society of Transplant.
11. At present, he is a member of ISN - South Asian regional board, Core body member of ISPD-Asia pacific chapter and Council member of Asian Society of Transplant.

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