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Maria R. Molina, United States

Senior Advanced Practice Provider
Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiothoracic Surgery
University of Pennsylvania

Dr. Maria Molina has been involved in several outcomes research and global initiatives in addressing gaps in healthcare disparities. As first generation- Asian American, she has been engaged in partnering with community organizations to increase heart disease awareness, organ transplantation, and address barriers to healthcare access. Maria has prioritized mentorship, advocacy, promotion of diversity in medicine, and addressing racial healthcare disparities as pillars of focus in her educational and professional career.

Dr. Maria Molina holds three national nurse practitioner certifications in acute care, gerontology, and critical care. She is well published and has more than 100 conference papers, collaborative book chapter publications: including Terasaki Immunology-Clinical Transplant textbook (2011 ed), Contemporary Heart Transplantation textbook (2020 ed). She has presented nationally and internationally about transplant pharmacogenomics and how DNA affects medications, transplant immunogenetics, and clinical implications of new generation gene sequencing.  Her Doctorate in Nursing practice dissertation is about genomic education implementation science.

Dr. Molina is the current ITNS President 2024-2026.

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