Abstract Session: Surgical and anesthesia issues: Through a donation lens-then societal factors
Monday September 23, 2024 from 13:40 to 15:10
  • Marti Manyalich Vidal, Spain
  • Dr. Khikmat Anvarov, Uzbekistan
  • 246.a Technique to reduce IRI
    Henry Pleass, Australia
  • 246.1 A Pilot Randomised Controlled Trial of Advanced Recovery Room Care Post Living Donor Kidney Transplantation
    Michael Collins, Australia
  • 246.3 Regional Disparities in Hypothermic Machine Perfusion Pump Utilization and Kidney Discard Rates in the United States
    Dr. Samy Riad, United States
  • 246.4 Challenges experienced by nurses caring for donors at a tertiary hospital in South Africa
    Mrs. Anja Meyer, South Africa
  • 246.5 The current status of deceased donor kidney discard in Korea with a very long waiting time
    Dr. Omi Na, Korea
  • 246.6 Early experience with oxygenated hypothermic machine perfusion for kidney transplantation at a single center in the United States
    Irene Kim, United States
  • 246.7 The unexpected truth about the access to transplantation in Chile
    Mr. Felipe Vera Cid, Chile
  • 246.8 How to increase the number of donors and organs for transplantation using a systematic evaluation of Potential Deceased Donors?
    Dr. Reginaldo C. Boni, United Arab Emirates
  • 246.11 Establishing a living donor kidney transplant program in Rwanda
    Dr. Emmanuel Muhawenimana, Rwanda
  • 246.12 Looking at 21 years cardiac transplantation data: Başkent University anesthetic experience
    Prof. Denada Haka, Turkey