E-Posters: Xenotransplantation
Sunday September 22, 2024 from 21:00 to 22:00
  • P.081 Evidence of liver tolerance in a model of hyperacute rejection after discordant xenotransplantation.
    Flávio H F Galvao, Brazil
  • P.550 The international human xenotransplantation inventory: Current data and the need for its integration into a broader registry
    Xiaowei Hu, Switzerland
  • P.551 Analysis of causes affecting graft survival in xenograft kidney transplantation
    Dr. Sun Ae Hwang, Korea
  • P.552 Transcriptomic analysis reveals systemic effects of heart xenotransplantation: implications for multi-organ function and safety
    Dr. Byeonghwi Lim, Korea