P.520 4-Octyl itaconate reverses immune hyperactivation of T cells in aGVHD by inhibiting GAPDH
Dr. Yao Deng, People's Republic of China
P.521 Mycotic Aneurysms in Intestinal Transplantation: a case series.
Mr. Nicola Colucci, United Kingdom
P.522 Study of clinical profile of post renal transplant Infections during first year after transplant- A single center study
Dr. Vijay Navadiya, India
P.525 Transplant renal artery stenosis: A potentially treatable cause of hypertension and renal allograft dysfunction
Dr. Walaa Dabbas, United States
P.525a (202.4 in the journal) Angiopoietins And Aniopoietin Likes In Post-Transplantation Diabetes Mellitus (PTDM) In Kuwaiti Kidney Transplanted Patients