Satellite Symposium: CTRMS: Enabling technologies
Sunday September 22, 2024 from 10:30 to 12:30
Yıldız 1
  • Prof. Graziella Pellegrini, Italy
  • Prof. Giuseppe Orlando, United States
  • CTRMS2.1 Regenerative surgery
    Dr. Vijay Gorantla, United States
  • CTRMS2.2 3D printing for complex organ fabrication
    Lorenzo Moroni, Netherlands
  • CTRMS2.3 Cell therapy to expand the donor pool
    Marlies E. Reinders, Netherlands
  • CTRMS2.4 Anthrobots and multicellular robots: The next frontier
    Dr. Gizem Gumuskaya, United States
  • Panel discussion
    Discussion Period, Turkey